For as long as I can remember, my mom has been following my brothers and me around with a camera. First visit from the tooth fairy. Halloween costumes. Picking a beautiful bouquet of weeds. First day of school. Last day of school. We hated it! But 5 minutes later… “Mom, can I see that picture?!”. :)
Cue middle school and beyond… I became “that friend” with the camera, ready to capture whatever epic (or not so epic) moment might be upon us that day. Looking back, I never even thought of photography as a “hobby”… The camera just became another necessary item on the checklist of things you bring to an event or on vacation. Just like your jammies and a toothbrush.
I always had all the hippest gear of the times. From the cardboard wind-up camera to the fancy waterproof digital point-and-shoot. Back in the day, I thought these cameras were the best. And then I went to Hawaii.
In March of 2015 my husband, Matt, and I got married and went on a life changing two week honeymoon in Maui (some days I’m still sad we didn’t move there) where there was no shortage of breathtaking views and mesmerizing scenery. To my extreme disappointment, my fancy waterproof camera did not come close to doing justice to the world we were seeing. In fact, Matt’s new cell phone was taking better photos than my camera. Seriously!
And so began my obsession with getting a “big girl camera”.
Less than a month after returning home from our honeymoon, my amazing husband surprised me with my very first DSLR – big girl – camera. After the thousandth photo I took of him watching TV on the couch, I was sure he would regret this gift. Fortunately for me, he has the patience of a saint and is my biggest cheerleader.
Since then, I’ve become even more like my mom (it pains me to admit this) and have fallen in love with family photography. Capturing your family's stories and connections and freezing those moments in time make my heart so happy. Thanks for visiting and I can’t wait to hear from you! :)