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  • Writer's pictureBrandy Lawrence

welcome home, baby liam!

This family shoot holds such a special place in my heart! I met Dustin and Megan Swinney over 6 years ago, shortly after moving to Jacksonville.

At the time, it was a goal of mine to train for and run the Gate River Run and Dustin happened to start a running group at my gym. My first time out, I ran just one mile with Dustin and Megan and eventually worked my way up to 9! I stayed in touch and worked out with them at different gyms and finally ended up joining Dustin as a personal trainer at Fitness by Fronk later that year.

As life went on, Matt and I began to conquer major life milestones - coincidentally in step with the Swinney's! We both got married only weeks apart at Crosswater Hall in Nocatee, we were pregnant with due dates only 1 week apart, and our little baby boys joined us earth-side almost exactly 24 hours apart!

Liam Carter Swinney was born about a week early on June 1, 2017, 11:04pm, weighing in at 6lbs, 11oz, and 18.5" strong! Matt and I are thrilled to have another bestie join Michael's boy's club!

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