Have you ever referred to somebody as "just a good guy" or a "good kid"?
Almost a decade ago, Matt decided to hire someone to help with his family's trucking company and received an application from a kid working at Cracker Barrel. David didn't really have a background in transportation, but Matt could tell he was bright, super hard working, and just "a good kid". He started working out of our tiny, two bedroom apartment and has stuck with Matt through thick and thin, company changes, and office moves. He works his tail off, never complains, and is basically one of the sweetest human beings on the planet. And he 100% married his equal in Kristie.
Kristie is kind, quiet (until you get to know her ;)), humble, and also a super talented photographer! It always gives me butterflies to do sessions for fellow photogs so I had to be extra on my A-game for this one! I was also nervous because it was my first "newborn session" with a four month old!
When Millie was born, she had to spend a few days in NICU and was basically on house arrest for several weeks after to make sure she didn't catch anything while recovering. At four months old, we were finally able to coordinate her session... and I couldn't be happier! I mean... those cheeks... those rolls... her SMILE?!?!?! Newborns are the sweetest little humans to photograph and obviously those memories are important, but I think there is seriously something to be said for sessions with older babies too!
It's really really cool when you get to watch "kids" you've known for a decade grow up and have a baby of their own. There's not a doubt in my mind that Kristie and David will raise Millie to be another "good kid" and can't wait for playdates as our littles grow up!